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Reiki Master Training

Becoming a Reiki Master is a bold and powerful step.  It says to the Universe that you are ready step up to a more powerful position and act on behalf of the planet!  I personally believe that everytime, you attune someone to Reiki, you not only help them and all the people they are going to touch, but you literally give the planet an energetic upgrade.  At this time of immense change and flux, it is so important for as many of us as are able to do what we can to support positive change in any way we can.  Becoming a Reiki Master is a very powerful and potent way to do this.


Pre-requisites for this course are Reiki I and Reiki II and Reiki Master Preparation Class.  If you have done the CCT Reiki Classes, you have met these requirements.


The course is offered in two separate days two weeks apart.  The first all day class will be in-depth teachings about being a Reiki Master and the receiving of the attunements.  The second all day class is training on how to give attunements.  This class will also include how to do CCT Reiki Master, if you have met the CCT requirements.


In this class you will receive:


  • More Medicine Wheel training to empower your Reiki work;

  • Reiki Master Attunements

  • Extensive training in how to pass on the attunements;

  • Full access to all of my on-going Reiki classes and attunements so you can get comfortable with the process;

  • CCT Reiki Three attunements and all slides and handouts, if you qualify to teach CCT Reiki (Have taken CCT Professional Levels 1 & 2);

  • Tips on getting your Reiki business off to a powerful start.


This class is strictly for Reiki II practitioners who are interested in becoming Reiki Masters.  Our next session will be by request only.









Questions:  Call Kath at 785-633-2424


*Note to all Lawrence, KS practitioners:  I will offer a private training to all those who desire it, in order for you to meet the licensure requirements for practicing in Lawrence.  See me for more information.



2706 Iowa, Suite F

Lawrence, KS 66044

Tel: 785-633-2424​

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