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Financial Sovereignty 3 
Connecting Money & Soul 

  • Do you have conflicting beliefs about money that block your financial flow? 

  • Are you stuck in an endless struggle around finances?

  • Do you find yourself feeling deeply fearful as you think about the future and your money?

  • Are you trapped in self-judgment, judging others, or endless comparing about money?

  • Is it time to do more clearing around money so you can claim more of your sacred money manifestation capacity?

  • Are you ready to claim a deeper level of your feminine financial power?

  • Has your financial journey to this point felt like a very steep up-hill climb?

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If this sounds like you, you are not alone...


Dear  Seeker,


In my extensive work as a healer and entrepreneur I have found that this topic causes more pain and suffering for my clients than just about all other "issues" combined. Consequently, I have spent much of time exploring the roots of money issues, especially for healing professionals, and have discovered that they are sometimes similar, but very often have their roots in our deep-seeded relationship with MONEY. I’ve been personally clearing the old issues and helping others do the same in workshop after workshop, for over 20 years.


The ancient money/prosperity/abundance Goddesses are a wonderful example of the capacity that the feminine energy inherently has to naturally creating abundance from within.  This is a uniquely feminine process. But because most of us have not been given these tools, this information escapes us.  We spend much of our time striving to do things that don't resonate with our inner world, rather than learning to expand from our feminine financial strength and flow and our ability to co-create with the masculine energy.


The relationship to money is a life-long one and can be filled with personal, family, and cultural baggage that makes it challenging for you to step into your financial flow. Creating a clear, clean, and current relationship with money, that includes the co-creative collaboration and cooperation between your inner feminine and inner masculine, stabilizes your ability to fully claim your full financial power.


For some, powerful financial flow means creating a 6-or-7 figure income and for others it can simply be having the basic needs of their family met. It’s important to discover what financial desires are true to your heart so you have the ability to fulfill your potential and step into greater financial power as you learn to access “Financial Sovereignty." 


When you begin to own your Financial Sovereignty, you step out of the struggle.  You no longer worry.  Your life is taken care of.  You begin to live from a place of freedom.  You begin to own your financial destiny, instead of feeling like Money is controlling you.

Financial Sovereignty is Rooted in The Feminine Money Mysteries

The Feminine Money Mysteries is a body of knowledge that is embeded within you.  You were born with it.  It is your Feminine Way of Manifesting.  Waking up this information inside of you will help you stand in your financial power making economic and life choices from your authentic core. There is a divinely feminine part of everyone, both male and female, that connects you to your inner guidance and gracefully expands your ability to receive so that you can “flourish as your best self in the world”. This is the part of you that has a deep connection to the natural world and clear flowing spiritual source.  From here you create from your inner truth in ways that uplifts those around you and contributes meaningfully to the world.



It is important for all of us to practice standing in our feminine financial power and keeping our receiving valve open for finances to flow. Money is a great place to practice our creation skills because the results are very measurable.                                                                                                    


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This program is for you if…


  • You desire to increase your ability to create financial stability in a deeply feminine way.

  • You want to clear your inner conflicts around money to claim your full feminine financial power.

  • You need practical ways to increase your money flow daily.

  • You choose to co-create more effectively with the masculine.

  • You desire tools that will immediately assist you in creating your abundance naturally.

  • You are ready to open to your “Feminine Money Wisdom" and take charge of your financial future.


"This program totally changed my money life for the better.  I moved out of my mindset of lack and am confidently creating flow in my life the feminine way.  I love, love, love it!!!"                                                      -JP

Here's what you will learn:


Session 1:  How to Naturally Create Your Financial Flow the Divine Feminine Way

  • Discover the essence of the “Divine Feminine Flow of Money” and why this is vitally important to for you as a woman today.

  • Uncover the critical ways you may be unconsciously constricting your financial flow and gain practical tools to open the energy anytime it contracts.

  • Explore the 12 Modern Day Money Goddess expressions and find out what each one needs to feel and be abundant, including yours. 


Sessions 2 and 3:  Your Financial Creation Power Tools
Found in Nature’s Rich Secrets


  • Stop the old losing battle of comparing and start creating your financial future with the Elemental Forces.

  • Clear your old limiting money beliefs and activate your“Feminine Money Mysteries Mindset”.

  • Discover a Divinely inspired practical template for aligning the elements into a fertile field for financial creation.   

Sessions 4-5:  Discover the Magic of Co-Creation
When Your Inner Feminine and Masculine Collaborate


  • Find out how to tap into the vital union between your inner feminine and inner masculine and uncover the critical ways they need to create together to get your financial potential fully flowing.

  • How to apply the ancient feminine art of magnetization to your money to draw more abundance to you.

  • Discover ways to move step-by-step from creation power struggles with the masculine (inside and out) to collaboration and cooperation. â€‹

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Session 6-7:  Use Nature’s Rhythms
to Boost Your Conscious Wealth Creation


  • Practical “Modern Day Feminine Mysteries” daily system for financial clarity and focus.

  • Turn up your “Money Set Point” and start consciously creating wealth.

  • Step-by-step how to apply the rhythms of Nature to your personal, professional, and business financial creation.  


If you have taken this class before, 

​This is an even deeper dive with 9 weeks of deep work clear your money issues and begin fresh!


WE BEGIN Wednesday, OCTOBER 16, 2024


for our Opening Lakshmi Puja Ceremony

Classes will continue on Tuesdays at 1:00 Central Time therafter.


​You will receive:

9 in-person classes with me, and 

An ALL NEW PDF workbook for the

Financial Sovereignty Course


New this year:

Accessing the Imaginal Realm of the Soul

to Manifest

Utilizing Divine Assistance

and more!

with easily affordable EARLY BIRD payments through

October 9, 2024!

700 Massachusetts St, Suite 302

Lawrence, KS 66044

Tel: 785-633-2424​

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