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Come home to your

Extraordinary Soul

Have you ever wished that you knew with crystal clarity exactly what you were supposed to be doing here, and exactly how you were supposed to be doing it?


Have you ever had that feeling that something was off, and if you could just put your finger on it and make that adjustment, life would flow in your direction?


Do you ever feel like life shouldn’t be this complicated…it wasn’t supposed to be this hard?


In earlier times, when a child was very young, they would be taken to the Wise Woman of the tribe to discern what the child’s special gifts were and how those gifts could be honored and supported as the child grew to adulthood. Care was taken to allow what the child’s soul was here to express to be fully activated and nurtured.  As the seedling soul was nurtured it grew in to a strong sturdy human that could naturally do what they came here to do in an EXTRAORDINARY way, while living in balance with the world around them.  


What if…..


  • What if you could know with crystal clarity exactly what you were supposed to be doing here?


  • What if you could rise above your situation to see what adjustments need to be made so your life can flow?


  • What if life could be simple and EXTRAORINDARY all at the same time?


The truth is THIS IS YOUR BIRTHRITE and it is possible.


The Extraordinary Soul Process can take you there.


In this 12 month process you will:


  • Get the Blueprint of who you are and what are about at SOUL level – your origination point, through an Extraordinary Soul Akashic Record Reading.


  • Look closely and how you chose to configure your life in this specific lifetime by looking at your Soul Signature Astrology Chart.


  • Harness the wisdom and power of the elements to configure your life so it works on this planet through the Starmaiden Mystery School.


  • Learn to utilize the roadmap of your life to map your journey consciously through the Big Moon Cycle Map.


  • Activate your Extraordinary Soul's Purpose through the Alchemical Ceremony Process.

Misty Woodland

This process is for you if...


  • You  deeply long for  clariety and meaning in your life.

  • You are craving a deeper spiritual connection to your soul purpose

  • You find yourself wondering how you can be of service

  • You long to access the rich depth of your inner wisdom

  • You want to learn how to connect or connect more deeply to the elemental forces of nature

  • ​You want to find a balance between the masculine and feminine energies in your life

  • You desire to discover and awaken your inner gifts

  • You want to learn practical tools for spiritual growth

What you will receive:


  • ​2 Extraordinary Soul Akashic Record Readings by Kathy Forest.


  • ​​​39 Modules of activations, content, and ceremonies, delivered ON-LINE by Kathy Forest, beginning online October 13, 2023, at 10 a.m. Central Time 


  • All on-line sessions are recorded for easy participation later. 


  • 1.5 Hour Body Wisdom Coaching-Energy Healing and a Crystalline Consciousness Technique session to assist you with your process;


  • ​12 months of space-holding by Kathy to allow you to deepen your process



Are you ready to step into the next powerful version of yourself?


Ordinarily programs of this cailber can cost upwards from $4,000 or more. And if you tried to do all of these things for yourself individually the cost could mount:


  • ​2 Extraordinary Soul Akashic Record Reading                                        Value:  $1,000


  • ​​30  Modules of activations                                                                                Value: $3,000


  • ​​1.5 Hour Body Wisdom Coaching-Energy Healing                                    Value:  $200


  • Crystaline Conciousness Technique session                                                 Value: $200


  • 2 30-minute coaching sessions                                                                        Value: $300


  • Spiritual Community Connections and 12 months of space-holding

           by Kathy to allow you to deepen your process                                       Priceless


                                                                                                                                    Grand total:      over $4,700!


But for a limited amount of time I am offering this premier program for  only  $2,500 or 11 monthly payments of $250.

And to sweeten the deal, if you join by  October 7 I will add in the bonus of: 


  • Membership in Sacred Rhythms - a 12-month, on-line Moon Circle that teaches you how to align your body with the planet.

  • Membership in Body Wisdom Bootcamp - a 21-day gentle cleanse intensive to get your body prepared to receive in the new year.                                                                                    Value: $ 500


  Are you ready to get clear on your purpose and get on with it?   


             New Classes begin in March, 2024!


If you are unsure if this is the path for you or have any questions, please feel free to contact Kath at 785-633-2424.

2706 Iowa, Suite F

Lawrence, KS 66044

Tel: 785-633-2424​

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